Como por arte de magia – Una guía de iniciación a la creación de moldes y al trabajo con resina
Ever wanted to know how it’s done?
In this book you’ll learn all about various Smooth-On products and what their silicone, resin, and other products offer.
I’ll help you get into mold making and resin casting easily with my step by step guide!
It has all the basic informations on what equipment is needed, how to make various types of molds, and I will show you how to avoid rookie mistakes!
At the end of this book you’re able to make one-part, two-part silicone molds, and brush-on molds and you’ll understand the basics of what silicone and resin to use for your projects.
People walked up to me a couple of times and asked me “Hey, how do I cast something? What silicone do I need to use? I want to make my own projects, but don’t know where to start.”
Then it hit me. We need a book for beginners, a guide to success!
A book that starts at zero and shows what to do and what to choose and helps you in any little way to achieve your goal!
That’s why I made this book.
If you struggled to find the right moment to start with mold making and resin casting or don’t know
anything about it, this book would be the perfect guide!
You’ll make amazing things once you’ve started!
Sobre este libro
¿Qué es el moldeado y el “cast”?
¿Estoy propiamente equipado?
La caja del molde
Sellar tu modelo
Silicona y resina
Tipos de silicona: Resumen
Aditivos para la silicona
Resina – resumen
Aditivos para la resina sintética
Contenedor de vacío con bomba de vacío
Moldes de silicona de una sola pieza
Socavados en moldes
Moldes de silicona cortada
Moldes de silicona de dos piezas
Claves registradoras
Canales de “casteo”
Silicona a pinceladas
“Casteo” rotativo
Más trucos y consejos
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